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Fight Crab





Fight Crab 


Ya'll are watching our FFG Reacts videos right? If you were then you know exactly how I felt about Fight Crab when we were live reacting to the indie show that - well showed it. There are so many cool things in this game. First off the idea of fighting with crabs is unique. Getting to wield weapons with crabs is another really cool idea. We choose our build out in Fight Crab too. Maybe you want a light saber and a shield. Maybe you want a gun and a knife. Fight Crab gives gamers all kinds of options.

I strong recommend anyone that plays Fight Crab on the Personal Computer (PC) uses a controller. Fight Crab will be coming to the Nintendo Switch in the future. I would love to see Fight Crab on the Xbox One personally. We can play Fight Crab in Campaign, Versus, Online or Offline. If you have enough controllers then multiple family members can play Fight Crab on the PC together. I have a feeling that experience will probably be better on the Nintendo Switch. Family members have twenty-three crabs they can choose from. One of the characters in Fight Crab is a lobster which is close to a crab if you know what I mean. We can choose from forty-eight weapons, and there are eleven stages in Fight Crab. The price of this downloadable only video game is reasonable.

The music in Fight Crab is okay. Some people will resonate more with the music in Fight Crab than others. There are some interesting special effect sounds. In game currency is used to unlock crabs and weapons. Fight Crab looks really good. The violent content in Fight Crab looks like things being stunned. There are objects in Fight Crab that can explode like cars. Yes you can pick up a car and hit your opponent with it in Fight Crab. Is that something you have always wanted to do? I found that more interesting than I expected it to be. There are so many objects in Fight Crab we can interact with. Grab a tree and block with it for example. The jet packs are my personal favorite weapon.

Fight Crab has an unique battle system. Enemies take damage like they do in Smash Brothers. The goal in Fight Crab is to flip your opponent over and keep them on their back for three seconds. If you fail to flip them over and make them stay there for three seconds you will lose the battle. Please note I only played against the computer in Fight Crab. I am unsure how multiplayer works in Fight Crab. Maybe the damage gauge matters then. I found there are six fights in each of the worlds while I played Fight Crab. The variety of the crabs in Fight Crab would make a marine biologist very happy.

One of the coolest features in Fight Crab is leveling up your crab. Yes Fight Crab has some role playing game elements to it. Which is not unheard of in a fighting game. Much of the level is destructable. Not all of it through. If you are having problems winning in Fight Crab there is an assist feature which will help you get through this video game. I found normal and hard modes when I played Fight Crab. I hope the Nintendo Switch version of Fight Crab will come in the physical copy format. I would love to see a case for Fight Crab as well as the artwork on the case. I am pleased that the violent content within Fight Crab is lighter than I expected - which is a good thing.
- Peter


Graphics: 70%
Sounds: 75%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: Personal Computer
Publisher: Playism
Developer: Calappa Games
Rating: ‘NR’ – Not Rated
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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