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Fitness Boxing





Fitness Boxing  


Nintendo has been crushing the hopes and dreams of so many for so long that we have come to expect it. Their unprofessional PR and Marketing representatives failed us 100% in terms of Fitness Boxing. We are not part of the bought off corrupt gaming media so we are not going to get a reviewable copy. We will tell it like it is. Avoid this game like the plague. Fitness Boxing is not worth the high price. It is glitchy, and messed up way beyond what we expected.

The first thing I noticed about Fitness Boxing is the controls don’t always register. It does not matter the foot stance, bouncing or not, or which Joycon controller. Two family members can enjoy Fitness Boxing while it is docked to the television set. Two Joycons are needed per family member though. Fitness Boxing joins a long line of boxing fitness video games. I have played Wii games from third party companies that recognizes punches better than Fitness Boxing.

The modes in Fitness Boxing are Daily Workout, Free Training, and Basic Training. We have a calendar where we punch to mark which day(s) we played this exercise based video game. There is the violent content of punching, lack of attire, and enticement to lust. Why do we need half dressed women in Fitness Boxing? We also workout to songs in Fitness Boxing. At least we sort of do.

The songs in Fitness Boxing are instrumental. There is no singing and no lyrics to all of these pop songs that are generally recognizable. Fitness Boxing makes us stretch before and after the boxing exercise. If you do not feel like doing it you do not have to. Why? Fitness Boxing does not grade or test you on the stretching. I sat down and did nothing during the cool down stretches. Which were the same as the warm up ones.

There are six trainers in Fitness Boxing that have a variety of different clothing. We can unlock the clothing to change how the trainers look. Honestly I could care less how a trainer looks as long as they are fully clothed and not a visual distraction. Nintendo failed at that some in Fitness Boxing as well. I love the exercise nature of Fitness Boxing. I wish the controls worked without glitches and the enticement to lust issues were not present.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 70%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo
Rating: ‘T’ - THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Mild Violence, Suggestive Themes}

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