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Gotham Season Five





Gotham Season Five  


I am thankful I had the money to purchase Gotham Season Five on DVD on Black Friday 2019. I am also pleased this show is coming to an end. It has been grueling watching a lot of this television show. I was curious about it at first. Then I wanted to complete the show off. Most of Gotham Season Five takes place with the island being isolated from the mainland. All of the bridges were destroyed and the city is being treated like a prison by the government.

The issues within Gotham Season Five are blood, violence, gore, bad language, sexual deviancy, lack of attire, enticement to lust, hatred, lies, deception, sex outside of marriage, and more. Gotham Season Five felt a bit lighter on the bad content most of the season to me. Maybe they decided to stop shocking and finish off the show connecting us to Batman.

The interest of Gotham Season Five is to find out what happened after Bruce Wayne’s parents were murdered. Gotham Season Five brings us to a point, and then at the end jumps forward ten years. There are some humorous moments in Gotham Season Five. Especially involving the Riddler and Penguin. Those two are comedic gold when they are together.

Ivy is seen as a witch, and does wind up helping Selina when she was paralyzed. Plenty of villains make their appearances in Gotham Season Five. It only took me 528 minutes to watch the episodes on the three discs. Different gangs are controlling different parts of Gotham in Gotham Season Five. The dynamic between them as they fight for resources is fascinating. As well as how some try to get off the island.

Gotham Season Five has a very strong finish. There are plenty of moments in Gotham Season Five that comic book fans will appreciate. I am not big on the changes this show made to the known concepts of certain characters. This is a show I will not be going back to anytime soon. Gotham Season Five tried a lot of things. Some of them worked and others did not.
- Paul


Graphics: 30%
Sound: 40%
Replay: 55%
Gameplay: 50%
Family Friendly Factor: 20%

Publisher: Warner Bros
Developer: DC Comics
System: DVD
Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated

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