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Kill It With Fire





Kill It With Fire 


A digital download code to Kill It With Fire was provided to Family Friendly Gaming on the Personal Computer (PC). We rarely play PC games anymore unless they are for a paid sponsorship. Why did we even spend time with Kill It With Fire? The premise of this game is so different, so odd, that we decide to check this downloadable only PC video game out. We hunt and kill spiders in Kill It With Fire. Why are we hunting and killing spiders? I have no idea.

Kill It With Fire comes with controller support. I appreciate that, and so do others here at Family Friendly Gaming. The music is okay in Kill It With Fire. There is some spider blood in Kill It With Fire. We can also damage a great many things in the nine different levels within Kill It With Fire. I felt bad burning down the entire wall while playing Kill It With Fire. I did get most of those spiders though. Which is the goal of this game.

I found spiders could and would get stuck in Kill It With Fire. The players cannot be hurt in Kill It With Fire. Which is a good thing in some regards. In other ways that is a bit unrealistic. If I damage the house too badly then I should take damage too. Having the player take damage would have changed the game play mechanics in Kill It With Fire quite a bit. I would have found taking damage a bit more interesting.

There are a variety of tools and weapons to use within Kill It With Fire. I was not fond of hunting down the objectives. As we complete objectives we unlock more areas of this game. If you miss an objective they are not retroactive. I like getting one hundred percent in games. Kill It With Fire taught me to look around before moving on. Replaying the level is the only way to complete certain secret objectives in Kill It With Fire.

I found that Kill It With Fire can be easily beaten in under one hour. If you want to find everything in this game then you could possibly double that time. I personally wish there was more content and health for the player. Hunting spiders is an interesting concept within Kill It With Fire. I know there are plenty of people who hate spiders so this game definitely could have an audience. I know the good spiders do. I only kill venomous spiders personally.
- Peter


Graphics: 65%
Sound: 65%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Gameplay: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: Personal Computer
Publisher: Casey Donnellan Games
Developer: tinyBuild
Rating: ‘NR’ – Not Rated
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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