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Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn





Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn  


Kirby’s Epic Yarn on the Wii was a rental at best. It shocks me that Family Friendly Gaming paid more for Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn on the Nintendo 3DS than we paid for Kirby’s Epic Yarn on the Wii. They are pretty much the same game. The king of rehash Nintendo has done it yet again. We get some new modes, power-ups, mini games, and lose co-op with Prince Fluffy.

Kirby cannot suck in Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn. Instead we throw out some yarn to unravel enemy characters. We grab a button on the boss characters and throw them around. We can also create projectiles and throw them at bosses and other characters in Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn. Violence is the biggest issue families will have with this hand held rehash video game. There is also some magical content in Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn.

I enjoyed the music in Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn. I saw little point in decorating a room in this game. I liked the intro voice acting. Transforming into vehicles ranges depending on the vehicle. Some are better than others. Some control better than others as well. The controls in Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn felt a bit loose to me. I ran into all kinds of control issues.

It has been seven to eight years since I last played this game. I would not say I missed it though. I really hoped to like Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn. Sadly the entire experience was a bit on the lame side for me. The best of Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn for me was ringing the bell at the end of the levels.

I hope Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn stays retired for some time now. I got tired of unraveling enemies, collecting gems, and pulling stickers off the wall. Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn is one of those games I started to fall asleep while playing. I am not big on the art style, and game play changes. Pass on this game.
- Paul


Graphics: 63%
Sound: 78%
Replay/Extras: 65%
Gameplay: 67%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: Nintendo 3DS
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: HAL Laboratory, Good Feel
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone
{Mild Cartoon Violence}

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