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Paw Patrol Dino Rescue





Paw Patrol Dino Rescue 


I am very thankful Family Friendly Gaming was given a retail version of Paw Patrol Dino Rescue. This kids show on DVD takes ninety-five minutes to watch. The episodes on Paw Patrol Dino Rescue are Pups and the Lost Dino Eggs, Pups Save a Pterodactyl, Pups and the Big Rumble, Pups Save a Big Bone, Pups Bark with Dinosaurs, and Pups Save a Robo-saurus. As you could probably guess the theme of this DVD is dinosaurs.

Paw Patrol Dino Rescue has some pretty cool things and lessons in it. We are immediately introduced to a dog with a disability. He winds up saving the day in the first episode. Paw Patrol Dino Rescue teaches teamwork, helping out, saving those in need, and to avoid stealing. I love how eager the pups are to save others. They drop what they are doing and help out. There is no back talk or refusal to stop what they were doing. They just go and help others.

Paw Patrol Dino Rescue teaches kids that tantrums are bad and destructive. This is a great lesson that so many people in our world need to hear. I suspect there are plenty of adults who were never given that important lesson which is why they continue to throw tantrums as adults. Things do not always go our way, and expecting them to is not realistic. We cannot force others to do the right thing. Paw Patrol Dino Rescue covers that too.

There is a scene in Paw Patrol Dino Rescue where the pups are trying to move the dinosaurs away from an active and exploding volcano. One of the dinosaurs gets trapped because it would not listen and it would not obey. The pups save that dinosaur in Paw Patrol Dino Rescue. There is no scolding of the dinosaur for doing the wrong thing and making the rescue more difficult. The pups helped out with no sass.

Kids will really enjoy the upbeat and positive music, voice acting, and graphics in Paw Patrol Dino Rescue. Thanks to seeing some DVDs of Paw Patrol I can see why this franchise is so popular. Kids and adults can enjoy Paw Patrol Dino Rescue on DVD. I am thankful I had the opportunity to watch and review Paw Patrol Dino Rescue on DVD. I hope this show continues for a long time to come.
- Yolanda


Graphics: 86%
Sound: 86%
Replay/Extras: 79%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 88%

System: DVD
Publisher: Paramount
Developer: Nickelodeon
Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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