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Paw Patrol Pup-Tastic 8-DVD Collection





Paw Patrol Pup-Tastic 8-DVD Collection 


I am extremely thankful Family Friendly Gaming was given a retail version of Paw Patrol Pup-Tastic 8-DVD Collection. The edition we received was the Limited Edition Marshall’s Fire Truck. This package was shown in the FFG Haul for October 2020. I even showed Family Friendly Gaming Universe how to open the Fire Truck and get to the 8-DVD case inside. This is a fun package that kids really enjoy.

The discs included in Paw Patrol Pup-Tastic 8-DVD Collection are Robo Dog Rescues, Pirate Rescue, Sea Patrol, Pups Save Puplantis, Summer Rescues, Ultimate Rescue, Jungle Rescues, and Pups Chase A Mystery. There are over twelve hours of entertainment on these eight discs. There is also one episode of a bird based show too. Kid really dig Paw Patrol and parents can get into this show as well for different reasons.

Kids can learn a variety of lessons in Paw Patrol Pup-Tastic 8-DVD Collection. They can learn to help others, cooperate, rescue, save others, play fair, do not steal, do not cheat, and more. I ran across a few topics that might concern parents. Those topics are ghosts, scares, Halloween, and more. The audio and video are fantastic in Paw Patrol Pup-Tastic 8-DVD Collection. The pups obey and work together as a team per their leader.

The punishment in Paw Patrol Pup-Tastic 8-DVD Collection for breaking the law is interesting indeed. Those that break the law in Paw Patrol Pup-Tastic 8-DVD Collection are required to do manual labor to try and rectify the damage they caused. Wouldn’t it be interesting if our legal system went that direction as well? Readers of the Future Glimpses books can look forward to a similar legal system in that science fiction franchise in the next book in the series.

Paw Patrol Pup-Tastic 8-DVD Collection touches on things like an oil spills, pirate treasure, low tide, saving animals and more. The cats are the bad guys along with that mayor that is never in his city. A variety of things go wrong in Paw Patrol Pup-Tastic 8-DVD Collection. I loved the giant machines that hosted all of the pups at once in PawPatrol Pup-Tastic 8-DVD Collection. Comments on fire safety in Paw Patrol Pup-Tastic 8-DVD Collection are great for kids to hear.
- Paul


Graphics: 90%
Sound: 88%
Replay/Extras: 95%
Gameplay: 85%
Family Friendly Factor: 85%

System: DVD
Publisher: Paramount
Developer: Nickelodeon
Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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