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Ride 3





Ride 3  


I get warm tingles up and down my spine in gratitude for Family Friendly Gaming purchasing a copy of Ride 3 on the Xbox One. Did you catch Paul’s stream of Ride 3? If not make sure to go here and follow us. Then you will know what we are streaming and when. It can even give you some insight into what products are going to be reviewed very soon. Or maybe they have already been reviewed.

Ride 3 looks nice, and it sounds nice. There are a variety of options on the controls. Ride 3 can be made easier or harder depending on your personal skill set. Everyone here at Family Friendly Gaming found Ride 3 to be on the difficult side. We get to customize our rider and then we can get into this motorcycle racing video game. The more you race and place the more money you get. That money is used to buy better bikes. Players need to grind in Ride 3.

The modes in Ride 3 are Career, Quick Modes, Xbox Live, Weekly Challenges, Livery Editor, My Rider, My Bikes, Message Center, and Downloadable Content. There are thirty different tracks from all over the world in Ride 3. There are over 230 bikes in Ride 3. DLC adds to that count. Each bike has multiple different stats players can modify. Money is very helpful in Ride 3.

I wish Ride 3 was accessible right from the beginning. It is lame that we have to practice, buy better bikes and then finally start to win. Even on the easiest difficulty setting. Ride 3 can be fun if you are willing to invest the time into it. Not every family has that time though. There are plenty of other racing games that families can get right into from the beginning.

I hope this franchise continues in the future. I value Ride 3 at fifteen dollars brand new. It is neat to see Milestone move away from the alligator in the swamp of corruption Square Enix. I would like to see this company have success in their business ventures. I hope they listen to the voice of the family in gaming.
- Frank


Graphics: 80%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 75%

System: PC/Playstation 4/ Xbox One(tested)
Publisher: Milestone
Developer: Milestone
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY

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