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Tennis World Tour 2





Tennis World Tour 2 


I was not a fan of the first game in this franchise. Tennis World Tour 2 improves upon the controls greatly. Maybe playing on the PS4 versus the Switch is part of the issue. Family Friendly Gaming was provided a copy of Tennis World Tour 2 on the Playstation 4. We were also provided The Legends Pack. That gave us two more tennis players who made a name for themselves in the past. We are also provided a code that gave us some additional courts and tournaments.

Tennis World Tour 2 is a little under eight gigs in terms of memory size. Make sure your hard drive has enough open room to be able to play Tennis World Tour 2. Thankfully this game does come in the physical copy format for the millions upon millions of families solidly in the physical copy movement. I counted thirty-two players and six courts in Tennis World Tour 2. One of the players was locked and I did not figure out how to unlock them.

The modes in Tennis World Tour 2 are Austalian Open, Career, Online, Play Now, Academy, Scenarios, Competition, Tutorial, and Settings. There are a variety of different controls players can use in Tennis World Tour 2. Holding the button down before swinging the racket will increase the power. The down side is you cannot move. So you need to be in position before trying to charge your shot. Otherwise you will concede a point.

I played Tennis World Tour 2 on the easiest setting possible. I found this game challenging even on that setting. I don’t want to know how hard this game is on higher difficulty settings. Tennis World Tour 2 looks really nice. I love how detailed the players and courts are in Tennis World Tour 2. We can tell the players, officials, and others are digitally created. As good as they look there is no life in their eyes. Something video games has still not mastered.

Tennis World Tour 2 feels like tennis. I do not think I could easily beat some of these players. Even if I played with way better people. Tennis World Tour 2 sounds like tennis too. I hope this franchise continues to grow and develop. Tennis World Tour 2 is a game multiple family members can enjoy at the same time. It was a pleasure for me to play and review Tennis World Tour 2 on the Playstation 4. Tennis World Tour 2 got me into the swing of tennis again.
- Frank


Graphics: 80%
Sound: 85%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 80%

System: Nintendo Switch/PC/Xbox One/PS4(tested)
Publisher: Nacon
Developer: Big Ant Studios
Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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