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The Lion King





The Lion King  


I am thankful I had enough money to purchase The Lion King on DVD on Black Friday 2019. I am finally getting around to this movie that many months later. The Lion King live action felt like the animated version just done with real looking animals. Which makes for some strange moments in this movie. Many of the songs from the animated version are within The Lion King. There are some notable misses though.

At times I wondered if Disney used the same voice acting track from the animated movie. In fact I was not the only one who asked that. Others here at Family Friendly Gaming had the same comment. I am conflicted on The Lion King live action. It feels like The Lion King pushes the circle of life a bit less. In fact The Lion King feels more argumentative on philosophies.

We get the dead spirit of Simba’s father helping him in key parts of The Lion King. Scar is a good villain in The Lion King. The hyenas are obnoxious on so many levels. Why Scar keeps them around for so long makes no sense to me. Especially when he knows what they will do with the Pride Lands. Scar is smart in some things and very dumb in other things.

Speaking of characters being dumb – Simba seems very dumb in The Lion King. Maybe I did not see it before, or maybe it is how this live action rendition slightly tweaks the storyline. How he cannot see some of these things related to Scar makes no sense to me. Scar sent him into that ravine to get his roar and convinces him to stay there. Maybe as a viewer we see more than characters see.

The hair on the animals is very impressive indeed. There are funny moments, cool moments, and cringe moments within The Lion King. I enjoyed spending one hundred and eighteen minutes watching The Lion King on DVD. I will continue to check out the live action remakes of the animated Disney movies. Some are decent, some are not. The Lion King is somewhere in between.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 65%
Replay: 60%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: DVD
Publisher: Disney
Developer: Fairview Entertainment
Rating: ‘PG’ for Parental Guidance Suggested
{For Sequences of Violence and Peril, and Some Thematic Elements}
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