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The Meg





The Meg 


The Meg is one of those movies that I knew would be a one shot watch. I figured The Meg would be Jaws supersized. I love how the story explained where the Megalodon Sharks came from. Also where they had been hiding all of this time. The Meg leaves the door open for more of these sharks to appear in sequels. Why any intelligent human would want to bring more of them up makes little sense to me.

The Jurassic Park, and Jurassic World movies showed us that the lack of logic would be used in sequels. Maybe that will happen with The Meg. The ending of The Meg was a bit anti climatic in my opinion. SPOILER ALERT! I was hoping the second missile would have been used in some way. Gutting that Megalodon Shark and having other sharks attack was poetic justice I suppose.

The issues families will have with The Meg are violence, blood, death, lack of attire, enticement to lust, bad language, and more. The arrogance of the wealthy backer to the project was not expected. SPOILER ALERT! I was also shocked to find out there was a second Megalodon Shark in The Meg. That threw me for a loop. Like a small one and a much bigger one. Things really got desperate then.

There are some odd things in The Meg. The Megalodon Shark attacks boats at first and then ignores them later on. Why? What kind of a beach has such a quick drop off? After all a shark that massive should not be able to get that close to the beach. Why stop attacking the station after just one bite? Shouldn’t the shark have been damaged by the explosion of a nuclear submarine?

The Meg is one of those movies I will watch one time. I did enjoy some of the bonus content. I liked Creating the Beast, and Chomp On This The Making of The Meg. I am surprised that The Meg was better than I expected. There are frightening moments in The Meg. This movie felt more action adventure than horror to me.
- Paul


Graphics: 50%
Sound: 55%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Blu-ray/DVD
Publisher: Warner Bros Pictures
Developer: Gravity Pictures
Rating: ‘PG-13’ - Parents Strongly Cautioned {Action/Peril, Bloody Images, and Some Language}

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