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The Otterman Empire





The Otterman Empire  


None of us ever know what is coming into Family Friendly Gaming next. Maybe some company will be so thankful for all our hard work for a decade and a half that they will want to send over a massive financial thank you. Maybe a new video sponsorship comes in. Maybe a new physical copy will arrive. Some days we get game codes for video games. That is what happened when The Otterman Empire arrived in the email to Family Friendly Gaming.

It is difficult to quantify The Otterman Empire on the Nintendo Switch. We can pick from eight characters (after unlocking some of course), fly around with jet packs and shoot things. The Otterman Empire is done in small 3D environments. We can play Campaign, Versus, Tutorial or Options in The Otterman Empire. We use B to select things in The Otterman Empire as opposed to A. This confused me quite often.

I am unaware of any physical copy versions of The Otterman Empire in the United States. Sorry to the millions upon millions of families in the physical copy movement. Graphically The Otterman Empire took a bit to render in. I think The Otterman Empire might be on the upper edge of what the Nintendo Switch can handle. The bright colors in The Otterman Empire felt a bit washed out at times. Maybe that is just me.

The Otterman Empire is on the larger side when it comes to downloads on the Nintendo Switch. The Otterman Empire clocks in just over three gigs. So make sure your device has enough space if you choose to purchase The Otterman Empire. The controls felt a bit loose, the music is okay in The Otterman Empire. Enemies respawn pretty fast in The Otterman Empire. We must earn at least one star to move to the next level.

In the campaign we do different things. Maybe we dunk bombs through rings, or shoot a larger ship with bombs that are dropped. I had trouble almost every single level the first time I played it. I read the instructions but could not always comprehend what was expected of me. Ammo runs out really fast which sent me going after ammo crates quite often in The Otterman Empire. I was excited to play The Otterman Empire and in the end found out I am not into this game.


Graphics: 65%
Sound: 70%
Replay: 70%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: Tri-Heart Interactive
Developer: Tri-Heart Interactive
Rating: Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY {Mild Fantasy Violence}
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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