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Viewers of our FFG Haul live streams know Watchmen is something we picked up around Black Friday. I had heard a lot of bad things about this HBO Limited Series. Watchmen is worse than I anticipated. That is saying something for 527 minutes that is not rated in America. Canada gave Watchmen an 18+ rating. That might be a bit low and really conservative on their part. Which is saying something of a really liberal country.

Watchmen is blatant and unapologetic hate speech attacking Christians, white folk, morals, ethics, honor, integrity, and logic. Watchmen is years after the movie and is constantly barraging the viewer with the dangers and evils of white supremacists. No wonder so many brainwashed liberal lemmings are constantly freaked out about the extremely small population that is part of the white supremacy movement. They are being trained to have that thought by entertainment over and over again.

I am not a fan of recasting characters for roles they did really well in. Watchmen for HBO recasts all these characters and it does not fit for me. It does not feel like Watchmen. Redefining the race of a central character in this mini series hurts it even more. Watchmen is cynical, hateful, toxic, and extremely divisive. Watchmen does nothing to heal or bring us together. It just constantly attacks white people, promotes sexual deviance and spews too many profanities.

SPOILER ALERT! Dr Manhattan is murdered in Watchmen and it makes no sense. He can put himself back together but some cage supposedly stops that. Plot convenience is used way too often in Watchmen just like all of the nudity. America is shown as horrible in Watchmen. The good guys are thugs at best, and beat suspects to a bloody pulp. Cops hide their faces behind masks because the Seventh Calvary might come and kill them.

I am surprised the anti-God content in Watchmen did not get some people struck down with lightning immediately. The warped world view in Watchmen shows how closely Holly Weird has gotten to Sodom and Gomorrah. In some instances Holly Weird might have surpassed those cities that were destroyed by God for their wickedness. Holly Weird needs to repent and turn from their evil ways. Watchmen is just evil.
- Paul


Graphics: 30%
Sound: 40%
Replay: 40%
Gameplay: 30%
Family Friendly Factor: 10%

Publisher: Warner Bros
Developer: HBO
System: Blu-ray/DVD
Rating: ‘NR’ – Not Rated

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