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AFL Evolution 2





AFL Evolution 2 


Did you catch the live stream Teen Gamer and I did of AFL Evolution 2? If you missed it then please click here. We had an amazing game. I will not spoil the ending of it for you. Go and watch it for a great video. We thought this game was all about Rugby and realized it was drastically different. The field is a giant circle, we can only run so far, and can get goals or behinds.

The modes in AFL Evolution 2 are Single Match, Online, Career, Fan Hub, AFL Gameday, Competition and Training. Once we learned how to play AFL Evolution 2 we had a blast with this sports video game. There is quite a bit of strategy in playing AFL Evolution 2. AFL Evolution 2 controls really well and even gives players multiple control modes in terms of kicking in a goal. Or at least trying to kick one in.

I am so thankful Family Friendly Gaming had enough money to purchase a copy of AFL Evolution 2 on the Playstation 4 (PS4). AFL Evolution 2 can also be found on the PC and Xbox One. The copy FFG purchased of AFL Evolution 2 came from Australia. I am so thankful games like AFL Evolution 2 are not region locked. No intelligent video game publisher in America would pick up AFL Evolution 2. Lame I know. I really appreciate the commentary in AFL Evolution 2. They were cool to listen to. The graphics in AFL Evolution 2 are fantastic. I love how good the stadiums and fans look.

Players are tackled in AFL Evolution 2. This game expects you to understand the concepts of this sport. Which I did not. Teen Gamer did not. Even though we had no clue how this sport works we were able to figure it out and have fun. I hope this franchise continues. I love how AFL Evolution 2 is in the physical copy format. There are enough modes in AFL Evolution 2 to warrant the price of the purchase. Over eighty teams is pretty cool too.
- Paul


Graphics: 90%
Sound: 85%
Replay: 80%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 90%

System: PC/Xbox One/PS4(tested)
Publisher: Tru Blu Entertainment
Developer: Wicked Witch Software
Rating:: ‘G’ - GENERAL

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