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Animal Pairs





Animal Pairs 


Family Friendly Gaming was given a digital download code for Animal Pairs on the Nintendo Switch. Animal Pairs is a video game designed for kids and toddlers. What is Animal Pairs all about? What do we do in Animal Pairs? I will attempt to answer those questions in this review. Animal Pairs is a card matching game. The best way to think of Animal Pairs is it is a memory game. Tap two cards and see if they match. When two cards match they go away. That player is given those cards as their trophy for finding a match.

Animal Pairs allows for up to four family members to play at the same time. There can be a certain amount of luck involved in Animal Pairs when playing with more than one person. Why do I say that? When we do not know what is hidden under the cards it can be random chance in finding a specific pair. Also the first player in Animal Pairs can be at a disadvantage. The other players get to see what they checked and then if they find the other animal in that pair they know exactly what to go for. That is the core of memory as well. Families could play blind and pass the Nintendo Switch around. That way no player knows what the other players saw.

Animal Pairs has some neat special effect sounds while I played it. I wish Animal Pairs had some kind of background music going. That would have been nice. The touch controls work really well. At first when I was playing Animal Pairs I kept hitting buttons trying to get the game to start. It would be neat if that control scheme had been added as well for those that prefer that control method. I could see some kids being confused by the touch only control scheme at first.

Animal Pairs goes as low as four cards in a two by two grid all the way up to sixty-four cards in an eight by eight grid. The more cards the harder it is to find all of the pairs. For me when I was playing Animal Pairs it just took a bit longer. I could not always recall where every single animal was. Eventually I found matches and got all of them paired up. Animal Pairs is a downloadable only video game on the Nintendo Switch. As of the point this review is being written Animal Pairs is selling for $7.99. If your kids are into animal memory games and like to play matching on the Nintendo Switch then Animal Pairs could be something for them. I personally think the price point should be a bit lower for the amount of content included.
- Paul


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 70%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Gameplay: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 80%

System: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: winterworks
Developer: winterworks
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY

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