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Bright Paw





Bright Paw 


Did you catch the sponsored videos I did of Bright Paw that were premiered on our YouTube channel? If you missed them please click here. I want to be clear we were paid to do videos of this game, not a review. I decided to do a review after being so impressed with this downloadable puzzle video game on the PC and Nintendo Switch. I played this game on both systems. I spent more time on the Nintendo Switch so listed it as the system tested on. I also enjoyed the experience on the Nintendo Switch much more.

The issues families may have with Bright Paw are violence, dead bodies, bad language, alcohol, and more. We play a kitty kat in Bright Paw. This poor cat can be hurt in a variety of ways while playing Bright Paw. We can easily rewind to make a better choice.

Bright Paw is a turn based video game where we pick which cards we will use to move. One may have us wait, another move two spaces forward, and many more. The key to Bright Paw is finding the right way to get through a level picking the cards in the right order. Levels get more challenging as the game throws different things at us. For example there might be conveyor belts that move the player in a certain direction. I loved the train level in Bright Paw.

Graphically Bright Paw looks really nice. There are hidden objects in Bright Paw that we can find. I loved looking around the level and finding these items that would glow white every so often. They narrator will talk about these items and what is going on in the game. The narrator had me laughing out loud multiple times while playing Bright Paw.

The coolest thing for me is getting paid to play a game I really enjoy playing. Bright Paw is one of those games. The more I played Bright Paw the more impressed I became with it. The gameplay is a brilliant idea and way less non-violent than SRPG video games. The storyline revolves around solving a murder.
- Paul


Graphics: 75%
Sound: 75%
Replay: 90%
Gameplay: 90%
Family Friendly Factor: 75%

System: PC/Nintendo Switch(tested)
Publisher: Rogue Games
Developer: Radical Forge
Rating: ‘E10+’ - Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY {Alcohol Reference, Fantasy Violence, Mild Language}

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