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Data East Collection 1





Data East Collection 1 


My heart is very grateful to be financially blessed enough to purchase Data East Collection 1 on the Evercade system. This cartridge contains ten video games from different systems and eras. The games on Data East Collection 1 are Bad Dudes, Burger Time, Midnight Resistance, Side Pocket, Karate Champ, Joe & Mac 2, Fighter’s History, Two Crude Dudes, Magical Drop II, and Burnin’ Rubber. Plenty of games for families to enjoy on the hand held or on their television sets.

The range of different kinds of games on the Data East Collection 1 cartridge are really good. We have side scrolling shoot them ups, arcade action, puzzle, platformer, sports, puzzle and more. Some of the standout games for me on the Data East Collection 1 cartridge are Burger Time, Side Pocket, Joe & Mac 2, and Magical Drop II. Fighter’s History is a Street Fighter II clone that was actually decent for its day. I hope to do a live stream of these games at some point in the future. I might wait for the release of the Evercade VS so we can play multiplayer on games like Fighter’s History. I have not made up my mind.

The manual that comes in the Data East Collection 1 case is fantastic. It is very helpful on some of these games to see what the controls are. Especially a game like Burnin’ Rubber where things like jumping were a bit more difficult to figure out. At least it was for me. The controls for games like Midnight Resistance and Karate Champ always felt a bit off to me. I eventually adapted to them while I played this really low priced cartridge. Side Pocket can be very challenging to figure out the power and angle on such a small screen.

The issues families can have with Data East Collection 1 are violence, lack of attire, enticement to lust, and more. Bad Dudes and Two Crude Dudes are great examples of beat em up video games that could be offensive to families. I messed with those games a little bit but never really got that deep into either of them because I am not into games like that. I get bored attacking the same looking enemies over and over again. Midnight Resistance reminds me of Contra. Many of the games within Data East Collection 1 are clones of other franchises. That does not mean they are not fun though.

All in all I like the Data East Collection 1 package on the Evercade system. Families can get a physical copy of a fantastic compilation of video games that range eras, ages, and genres. I really feel like there is almost something for everyone in the Data East Collection 1 cartridge. I hope to see more collections like the Data East Collection 1 in the future on the Evercade system.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 85%
Replay/Extras: 85%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: Evercade
Publisher: Blaze Entertainment
Developer: Data East
Rating: ‘12’ - Everyone TWELVE and OLDER ONLY

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