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Wasn’t that live stream Teen Gamer and I did of ESPN NBA 2K5 really cool? Don’t know what I am talking about? Then click here right now. I am impressed with sports games from this era on the Xbox. ESPN NBA 2K5 is also on the Playstation 2. The computer plays some pretty good defense in ESPN NBA 2K5 too. Do not expect to drive to the hoop on every possession. The Association is the franchise mode in ESPN NBA 2K5. Playing with a star feels different than a third stringer in ESPN NBA 2K5.

The presentation in ESPN NBA 2K5 is good for its era. The announcers are enjoyable to listen to while we are playing this basketball video game. The players look and animate in a very real way. The fans look decent and the cheerleaders are half dressed. I loved being able to play some of the cool teams like the Seattle Supersonics in ESPN NBA 2K5. The NBA really messed up with that team. Their history with honor, integrity, transparency and dignity has not been very good.

The more I played ESPN NBA 2K5 on the Xbox the more I got into it. This basketball game feels like a basketball game. Players can never relax with whatever lead they have. The other team can scrap their way right back into it and the next thing you know you went from comfortable lead to trailing in the fourth quarter. Those emotions are not very fun in my opinion.

It is a shame Sega is no longer part of this franchise. It is also a shame ESPN has run their name through the mud. Thankfully we can still go back and play basketball in games like ESPN NBA 2K5. We pop in a disc and do not need to worry about servers, updates, or a company no longer letting us play what we purchased. ESPN NBA 2K5 is selling really cheap as well. I bought ESPN NBA 2K5 for under three dollars with a case and manual.
- Paul


Graphics: 75%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 90%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 75%

System: PS2/Xbox
Publisher: Sega
Developer: Visual Concepts
Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY

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