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Food Fight 


Food Fight is the very first Atari 7800 video game we are reviewing. I am very thankful I had the money to purchase Food Fight. It came as part of a compilation on an Evercade cartridge. Food Fight is one of those stand out titles that I really enjoyed on the Atari Collection 1 cartridge. Food Fight has the old Atari look and feel to it. We stay on one screen while playing Food Fight.

We play a nice gentleman (Charley Chuck) in Food Fight who just wants to get to the ice cream cone. The cone melts as we are walk over there. There are chefs that will try and stop us. Do not let them touch you. Do not fall into any of the holes in Food Fight either. There are pieces of food we can pick up and throw at the chefs to make them go away. Please note more chefs will appear in Food Fight. I learned to be quick and plan my path to the ice cream cone.

The chefs in Food Fight can also throw food at the player. I love the different directions we can throw the food in Food Fight. I was able to throw the food in Food Fight in eight different directions. It is also really cool how the players head gets really huge to eat the ice cream cone. I do not think the previous Atari systems could handle that kind of a graphical stretch.

Food Fight has neat little music to listen to. Food Fight does not look as good graphically as some of the other Atari 7800 video games. The controls are very responsive in Food Fight. Hopefully you caught the live stream I did of Food Fight. If not you can always check out the video on our website and of course the video channels we are a part of. I gave Food Fight some good time.

All of the food left on the screen will count toward your score in that level of Food Fight. Players work on getting the highest score they possibly can in Food Fight. The chefs walk around in rather random patterns. At times they came toward me and other times they ignored me. It all depended on the level and the chef. I learned to take them out quickly and get to that ice cream cone. You don't want to let it melt entirely.
- Paul


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 75%

System: Atari 7800/Evercade
Publisher: Atari
Developer: General Computer Corporation
Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated

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