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Killjoys Season One





Killjoys Season One 


I don't recall if I purchased Killjoys The Complete Series or if it was a gift that I asked for. Whatever the case I am happy to watch season one and write a review of it. Killjoys Season One is an introduction to an interesting science fiction universe where there are agents of the RAC. The RAC is the Reclamation Apphrehension Coalition. They are sort of like bounty hunters that capture people with warrants out for their arrest.

Killjoys Season One has one company ruling over the entire quad. If you don't have an identification card then you are not able to work. In fact housing an illegal in Killjoys Season One is a crime. The three main characters of Killjoys Season One are Dutch, John, and D'avin. They are a killjoy team that works together quite well. Dutch and D'avin have issues and a past that haunts them.

Killjoys Season One is only ten episodes long. That means the action is fast and furious in Killjoys Season One. There are few moments to catch our breath. There are also times in Killjoys Season One when timing does not make a lot of sense. Other times in Killjoys Season One there are dots that are not connected. I learned to let it go because the storyline in Killjoys Season One does eventually come together. There is a twist at the end that will carry on into season two.

The issues families will have with Killjoys Season One are bad language, blood, violence, lack of attire, enticement to lust, sex workers, false gods, strange blessings, sex outside of marriage, gore, and more. Assassinations are part of the political process in Killjoys Season One. There is no major police force that can take down the Nine for murdering others.

I am still on the fence about Killjoys. There is an interesting premise there. Too often the team would score a big job and say they were set. Why not ever enjoy it? There is quite a bit of drinking in Killjoys Season One too. Since seasons in Killjoys Season One are so short I should be able to work my way through this show pretty easily. Mind control was an interesting plot thread in Killjoys Season One.
- Paul


Graphics: 55%
Sound: 60%
Replay/Extras: 65%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: DVD
Publisher: SyFy
Developer: Universal Studios
Rating: ‘NR’ for Not Rated

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