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Knowledge is Power





Knowledge is Power 


Did you enjoy the live stream we did of Knowledge is Power on Youtube? If you missed it please click here. Teen Gamer and I had a blast playing Knowledge is Power. Princess and Yolanda came over near the end to make it quite the event. This is a quiz show with some twists to it. The twists are nothing new though. We pick something that will mess over another player. We can freeze them, goop them, send over bombs, bugs, and more. Two to six family members over the age of thirteen can play Knowledge is Power at the same time.

The downside to Knowledge is Power is we must use some other device to play this game. We can use smart phones and tablets. An app needs to be downloaded and installed on your device to actually be able to play Knowledge is Power on the Playstation 4. I wish there was a way to play on just the screen personally. We ran into one device having an issue with the installation of the app for Knowledge is Power.

There are over five thousand questions in Knowledge is Power. What we get and what we see can be completely safe for families or contain offensive content. The issues within Knowledge is Power are drugs, bad language, lack of attire, enticement to lust, blood, violence, and more. Families can play multiple games and never run into any offensive content. I wish Knowledge is Power had some family friendly mode that kept this game that way.

Knowledge is Power is a lot of fun. That was our experience with this trivia game. Knowledge is Power claims to have an online mode but we could not figure out how to get it working. The game syncs to a local phone. Unless someone is locally there I am not sure how they would play. The points you score in the main game give you a head start on the final pyramid round that will determine the winner. I found many of the questions in Knowledge is Power to be easy.
- Paul


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 70%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: Playstation 4
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Developer: Wish Studios
Rating: ‘T’ – THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Drug Reference, Mild Language, Mild Suggestive Themes}

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