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Minigolf Adventure 


I am grateful Family Friendly Gaming was given a digital download code for Minigolf Adventure on the Nintendo Switch. There are fifty levels in Minigolf Adventure in three environments. The three environments within Minigolf Adventure are Forest, Frozen, and Desert. Each level within Minigolf Adventure contains gems. If you collect enough gems then you can complete that level. Based on the gems you collect you will earn one to three stars in Minigolf Adventure.

The stars in Minigolf Adventure will unlock additional balls the player can play with. There are different colors and designs of the balls that are within Minigolf Adventure. Minigolf Adventure looks good, and the peaceful music is okay to listen to. We are given so many shots to complete the levels within Minigolf Adventure. If you use all of your shots in Minigolf Adventure and the ball has not gone in the hole then you must play the level over again.

We control Minigolf Adventure through a power gauge. Players must guess how far the ball will go based on the power gauge. This power gauge builds up and decreases. We can also move around which direction we will aim the ball. Expect some trial and error with the power gauge in Minigolf Adventure. It frustrated me at times. I had issues finding the right power to get over the hills and not get knocked all the way back to the beginning thanks to pads on the ground.

The pads on the ground within Minigolf Adventure do different things. Some will launch you forward, or backward, suck you in, throw you out, and more. The more I played Minigolf Adventure the more I figured out what to do. The hardest part of Minigolf Adventure for me was trying to find the right power when I was close to the hole. I went too powerful quite often and the ball flew over the hole.

Minigolf Adventure contains all kinds of fun minigolf objects. We have diamond blocks that rotate, hills, curves, and more in Minigolf Adventure. Up to four family members can enjoy Minigolf Adventure. The modes within Minigolf Adventure are Arcade, High Score, Race, Hot Seat, and Quick Play. I had fun playing Minigolf Adventure on the Nintendo Switch. Be ready to invest the time in learning the physics of Minigolf Adventure.
- Frank


Graphics: 79%
Sound: 70%
Replay/Extras: 75%
Gameplay: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 80%

System: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: Revulo Games
Developer: Revulo Games
Rating: 'E' - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY

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