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Monster Hunter 


I have played a variety of the Monster Hunter video games over the years. Monster Hunter has a certain mystic to it. We start in a town and get some gear and then go on missions hunting the monsters. Along the way we learn about a story, and some massive big monsters we need to take out. That is what the video games are all about. The movie just needed to follow that formula.

The Monster Hunter movie could not follow that formula. We have a sand boat that gets attacked and one of their fighters gets knocked off. Then we have soldiers from our world somehow get transported to this other fantasy world. They face off against some monsters and things do not go so well for them. SPOILER ALERT! Milla Jovovich is the only soldier to survive.

Monster Hunter loses all sense of purpose and reality at this point. The man who fell off the ship tries to help the soldiers. Later he kidnaps one of them and imprisons them. Why? He tries to help only to harm? The lack of logic here loses me entirely. Once he is given chocolate then he is all on board with a friendship. I am a firm believer in motives for characters and Monster Hunter is all over the board.

The duo team up to fight and kill this massive sand dragon. They get to another area and wind up coming across an even worse monster. A fire breathing dragon now comes after them. They go to a tower to fight off this monster and wind up bringing it to our world. This is where they kill it. It is then decided this portal must be closed. Which is where this 103 minute long movie ends.

The issues families will have with Monster Hunter are violence, blood, bad language, lack of attire, enticement to lust, and more. Monster Hunter is only like the games near the end of the movie. There are some humorous moments. There are plenty that just make no sense. There are also numerous convenient plot moments. Why weren't spider eggs put on the Captain like the Master Seargent?
- Paul


Graphics: 55%
Sound: 60%
Replay/Extras: 55%
Gameplay: 45%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: DVD
Publisher: Sony Pictures
Developer: Screen Gems
Rating: ‘PG-13’ - Parents Strongly Cautioned {Sequences of Creature Action and Violence Throughout}

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