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I am very thankful Family Friendly Gaming was given a digital download code for Rabisco+ on the Nintendo Switch. Rabisco+ can also be found on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X. At least this version of the game published by Ratalaika Games. There is another version of this game on other systems. Hopefully that is not confusing for Family Friendly Gaming Universe. As always thank you for your support and clarification questions.

What do we do in Rabisco+? We help Ms. Rabisco recover stars that she lost, and bring them to the moon. The moon symbol in Rabisco+ is where we exit each level. There are numerous stars to collect in each level. Family members can exit a level in Rabisco+ without collecting all the stars. I did that exact thing in Rabisco+ myself multiple times when I did not feel like backtracking to collect all of them.

The graphics in Rabisco+ are indie with a very interesting twist. It looks like we are playing on a piece of paper. This gives Rabisco+ a really neat artsy feel to it. I actually like the graphics in Rabisco+. I wish there were more games that did this kind of thing. There is a speed boost in Rabisco+ that allows us to burst through bricks that are in the way.

Rabisco+ will time the player and let them know how long they have been playing. I personally appreciate that feature. That little tool of keeping track of time is a great thing for families that want to limit video game play sessions. Rabisco+ can be played in multiple languages as well which means this game can go global. Secret little gems in Rabisco+ will unlock additional options like colorws for your character.

The music in Rabisco+ is really fun to listen to. I enjoyed the music in Rabisco+ while working my way through the one hundred levels. That means families will get their moneys worth out of Rabisco+ while having a good time. Rabisco+ is also a very chill game in my opinion. Rabisco+ does progressively get more challenging. The boost will be your friend in terms of avoiding spiked obstacles.

I enjoyed my time with Rabisco+. This is a fun little indie game that families can embrace. I would love to see Rabisco+ as part of a compilation that appears on the Evercade system. I hope Rabisco+ gets a sequel in the future. Rabisco+ is only sixty-eight megs in terms of memory. It should not tax your memory too badly. Rabisco+ also contains a speed run mode if you want to see how fast you can be.
- Paul


Graphics: 75%
Sounds: 83%
Replay/Extras: 75%
Gameplay: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 72%

System: PS4/PS5/Xbox One/Xbox Series X/Nintendo Switch(tested)
Publisher: Ratalaika Games
Developer: Green Dinosaur Games
{Mild Fantasy Violence}

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