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Art of Rally





Art of Rally 


I heard about Art of Rally from publishing images from the Nintendo press site when it released on the Nintendo Switch. It looked interesting. I contacted the company and requested a reviewable copy of the game. They were not capable of replying in any professional manner so I checked and saw we could get a free copy of this game on Xbox Game Pass. Peter downloaded it for me and I started to play this indie mini rally video game. I was immediately not impressed.

Art of Rally has a very indie look to it. When I started to free roam in an area a Buddha statue welcomes me and gave me its religious advice. Why was that needed in a Rally video game? Far left radicals freak out when any Christian concepts are included in video games, but give all other religions a pass. Why do they hate and discriminate so badly? We can collect cassettes, spell Rally, and find picture spots in free roam.

All of the modes within Art of Rally are Career, Time Attack, Custom Rally, Online Events, and of course Free Roam. There are different options available when we race in Art of Rally. We can turn the damage off, and change the difficulty. Art of Rally does not have a navigator telling us what is coming up next. If we go too far off the path then Art of Rally will quickly reset the player. I was able to cut a few corners here and there and Art of Rally did not punish me for it. Even on the easiest setting it can be difficult to win in Art of Rally. I found that out over and over again.

There are little sticks that jump around and cheer for us while we go driving by. Art of Rally does not tell you how you are doing in the race. Other Rally games I have played let you know at the end of each section how you are doing. Art of Rally does not do that. I found myself guessing if I was doing good enough or not. I only found out at the end of that particular race. Which is pretty lame compared to other Rally games.

Art of Rally has the loose controls that can make driving these paths very frustration. Art of Rally does have decently sized paths to drive on. I am used to really narrow paths in other Rally video games. The tracks are long and the music is fun to listen to. Art of Rally has a few saving graces to it. Art of Rally is perfect for the disposable downloadable only titles that are downloaded, played, and then deleted. Art of Rally is the napkin of Rally video games in my personal and professional opinion.
- Paul


Graphics: 65%
Sound: 75%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: Nintendo Switch/PC/PS4/PS5/XBONE/Xbox Series X
Publisher: Funselektor Labs
Author: Funselektor Labs
Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone SIX AND OLDER ONLY

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