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Casino Royale





Casino Royale 


I saw Casino Royale some years back. I know I have been watching The Daniel Craig Collection out of order. It did allow me to realize these movies are actually connected as one continuous storyline. I also noticed all of a sudden James Bond is no longer trusted by M. That theme is very apparent in Casino Royale. The new Money Penny is very different and sad in Casino Royale.

Daniel Craig does not feel much like James Bond in Casino Royale to me. Probably because so many things changed for the character when this actor took over. This James Bond in Casino Royale is a complete attack on marriage. James Bond in Casino Royale is more interested and attracted to married women than single women. Bad enough having sex outside of marriage, but adding adultery to it just hurts the character even worse.

James Bond in Casino Royale leaves quite the body count. The movie starts in black and white where we find out some people he murdered before killing the guy who he is talking to. A secret organization is funding terrorists by causing incidents and shorting the market. In essence the ultimate insider trading. SPOILER ALERT! James Bond stops the disaster from happening in Casino Royale. That means the bad guys lost all this money. How will they get it back?

The plan for the return of their money is to win a massive high stakes gambling match between people with all kinds of millions to waste. James Bond gets put into the card game to beat the bad guy. The thought is he will win and they can offer protection to this guy. It is a good plan. You know what Mike Tyson says about having a plan right? The twists and turns at the end of Casino Royale are interesting.

The issues families will have with Casino Royale are violence, blood, nudity, lack of attire, enticement to lust, torture, sex outside of marriage, lies, deceit, bad language, gambling, adultery, and more. The main lesson in Casino Royale is to trust no one. James Bond learns that quite well. There is plenty of action and adventure within Casino Royale.
- Paul


Graphics: 45%
Sound: 60%
Replay/Extras: 65%
Gameplay: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 56%

System: DVD
Publisher: MGM
Developer: United Artists
Rating: ‘PG-13’ for Parents Strongly Cautioned
{for intense sequences of violent action, a scene of torture, sexual content and nudity}

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