DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Season Six
I just finished watching the fifteen
episodes of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Season Six. It took 640 minutes to
watch this train wreck of a television show which seems to have lost its
original concept as well as almost its entire original cast. It was
already reported that the actor that plays Rory wants to do other things
and is done with this show. I honestly do not blame him. Without Rory
this show is going to have a real hard time going forward.
I am very thankful I had the money to purchase DC’s Legends of Tomorrow
Season Six on Black Friday. I am awaiting the time when this show ends.
I am unclear how anyone can be into DC’s Legends of Tomorrow anymore.
Unless they are part of the radical far left zealots that hate men,
white people, country, the past, and everything else good, moral,
ethical and decent.
The issues families will have with DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Season Six
is violence, blood, magic, sexual deviancy, lack of attire, enticement
to lust, racism against white people, anti-capitalism, anti-male, sex
outside of marriage, magic and more. Gary is an alien and the whole
alien theme is the only theme I could find in DC’s Legends of Tomorrow
Season Six. They are bored with time travel so they are going to outer
space now.
Holly Weird loves throwing their far left propaganda out in DC’s Legends
of Tomorrow Season Six. This show is really lacking in thought
diversity. It is just one far left idealogy that everyone on the show
accepts after another one in DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Season Six. It is
honestly draining watching DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Season Six. There is
less humor and even Rory’s character was ruined. DC’s Legends of
Tomorrow Season Six tries to have a laugh by making a man pregnant with
alien babies. There is no line they won’t cross.
SPOILER ALERT! Alien mushrooms keep the planet Earth safe. Until John
Constantine tricks it to get power. Then a lesbian wedding is what saves
the planet. The writers must be doing drugs and completely tripping.
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Season Six has shown this show has lost its
way. The feel of the show left as the cast has. Next season only one
from the original cast will be there. She was one of the worst
- Paul
Graphics: 40%
Sound: 45%
Replay/Extras: 44%
Gameplay: 25%
Family Friendly Factor: 20%
System: DVD
Publisher: Warner Bros
Developer: DC Comics
Rating: ‘NR’ for Not Rated
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