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Dig Dug 


I am very thankful I had the money to purchase the Namco Museum Collection 1 on the Evercade system. Dig Dug is one of the games that was included on that compilation cartridge. This was the 8-bit NES version of Dig Dug. Dig Dug is one of those arcade classics that translated generally well to the 8-bit home console. There are fifteen different level design layouts in Dig Dug on the NES. My research also showed there were 256 levels in the arcade version at least before the game ended.

Dig Dug is one of those classics of video game history. Our little guy digs around and can inflate the monsters that are trying to get him. We can also drop rocks on these big baddies. The creatures we play against in Dig Dug can move through the dirt and just their eyes show. This can be dangerous since players need some room to hit the enemies and inflate them. Enemies can also escape screens and leave.

I remember Dig Dug very fondly. It was one of those old fun arcade games with great sounds. That music has become classic in this day and age. But ultimately it is something I still hum from time to time. Did you enjoy the live stream I did of Dig Dug? Or have you caught the video of this game in our video section? We are continuing to upload our videos to new tech video websites.

Dig Dug has a simple concept compared to many modern video games. At the time though Dig Dug added some strategy. We moved around the made tunnels that worked for us. We went after whichever enemy we felt like taking on first, second, and so on. We could drop rocks, collect items for points and more. There are two major concepts in Dig Dug. Those two concepts are stay alive and inflate the enemies.

I hope there is a new Dig Dug video game real soon. It is fun to go back into history and play these games again. Dig Dug is a well known classic video game. Dig Dug came from an era where video game companies were willing to try new game play ideas. It became a hit because of that and it is fun to play. Dig Dug makes you rely on your reflexes and reactions.
- Paul


Graphics: 75%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 90%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 75%

System: Evercade/NES
Publisher: Namco
Developer: Namco
Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated

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