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Dragon Spirit The New Legend





Dragon Spirit The New Legend 


Dragon Spirit The New Legend is another game I was able to play thanks to having the money to purchase the Namco Museum Collection 2 cartridge for the Evercade video game system. Dragon Spirit The New Legend was originally on the 8-bit NES (Nintendo Entertainment System). I might actually have a cartridge of Dragon Spirit The New Legend on the 8-bit NES. Dragon Spirit The New Legend is a mid level shooter in my opinion. There are definitely tougher shooters out there.

There are plenty of things shooting at the players in Dragon Spirit The New Legend. If you are paying attention the patterns are pretty easy to learn. The thing that really got me was the beasts that jumped up from the ground and started coming right at me. Or they might shoot at me while I was trying to avoid them. We can collect a lot of power ups while playing Dragon Spirit The New Legend. Players must collect them as well. They go on a set cycle after enemies drop them.

The graphics and music are great in Dragon Spirit The New Legend. I love the top down view where we can shoot things in the air and on the ground. Graphically Dragon Spirit The New Legend looks really good for the 8-bit system. There are plenty of wonderful colors used in Dragon Spirit The New Legend. We can have some water, land, snow on the land, trees, mountains and more in Dragon Spirit The New Legend. Visually Dragon Spirit The New Legend is a treat for that old of a system.

Since Dragon Spirit The New Legend is a shooter then you can expect to die early and often. The goal in Dragon Spirit The New Legend is to get them before they get you. Violence is the main game play mechanic within Dragon Spirit The New Legend. We take up a sword which transforms us into a dragon to fight with. We must stop the evil GALDA. Magic is a part of Dragon Spirit The New Legend as well. If you die in the beginning level then you get a gold dragon which is better than the blue dragon. It is also referred to as easy mode.

If you can make it through the main story in Dragon Spirit The New Legend then you can beat the game in around forty minutes. Dragon Spirit The New Legend is a bit on the short side. The challenge is staying alive with all of these things coming after us and shooting at us. Practice makes perfect in Dragon Spirit The New Legend. If you are looking for a retro top down shooter where the screen scrolls then you may take interest in Dragon Spirit The New Legend.
- Paul


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 65%
Gameplay: 65%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: Evercade/ NES
Publisher: Bandai
Developer: Bandai
Rating: ‘NR’ for Not Rated

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