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Ford v Ferrari





Ford v Ferrari 


I am very thankful I had the money to purchase a copy of Ford v Ferrari on DVD. It takes one hundred and fifty-two minutes to watch this movie. Ford v Ferrari deals with the events around Ford and Ferrari and how they went head to head at the Le Mans n France in 1966. There was so much that went into getting a race car ready at that time. There is probably even more that goes into it today.

For those that do not know Le Mans is a twenty-four race with multiple drivers taking legs. The cars can have all kinds of parts swapped out. In fact one of the things that Ford v Ferrari shows is replacing the entire brake assembly instead of just the brake pads. There is an argument with the official that nothing in the rule book says they cannot do so. The reason for doing it is how hot the brake assembly gets going those speeds and slowing down so fast.

Ford v Ferrari is also a lot about the race car driver Ken Miles, and the car designer Carroll Shelby. Christian Bale plays Ken Miles, and Matt Damon plays Carroll Shelby. Ford hires them to win the Le Mans. The problem is Ford wants to keep control of things. Ford v Ferrari shows over and over again how upper management made missteps that slowed things down. For example they don't want Ken Miles to race because they feel he does not represent the company well.

The issues families can have with Ford v Ferrari are bad language, lack of attire, enticement to lust, violence, blood, and more. I am not clear how much of the Ford v Ferrari is accurate with true history. I did some research and found some things are right and some things are wrong. There is also humor in Ford v Ferrari how certain executives are handled. There is also a funny fight scene in Ford v Ferrari.

I looked up the rule at the end of the Le Mans and found it was there at that time. The Ford executive wanted all three Ford cars to finish at the same time. Ken Mile was way ahead. He slows down so the other two Ford cars can catch him. He loses because the rule was how far a car traveled in 24 hours. Since the other cars were farther back from the starting the line one of them won over him. It was neat to see Ken Mile perform the perfect lap and to break multiple lap records.

I enjoyed watching Ford v Ferrari. There are car crashes and the Le Mans race seems really Wild West to me. I was not aware Ford had tried to buy Ferrari at one point in time. That slight is mainly why Ford got into the racing business. They also needed to improve their image with the younger crowd. I liked how Ken Miles explained seeing the track in Ford v Ferrari.
- Paul


Graphics: 66%
Sound: 68%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: DVD
Publisher: 20th Century Fox
Developer: Turnpike Films
Rating: ‘PG-13’ for Parents Strongly Cautioned
{Some Language and Peril}

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