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Fortnite X Marvel Zero War #1





Fortnite X Marvel Zero War #1 


We were at the comic book store recently and Noah requested a certain comic book be purchased. Can you imagine what Noah is into? He streams the game once a week and plays the game daily. If you guessed Fortnite then you are right on track. So I paid for the purchase of Fortnite X Marvel Zero War #1. Noah was most interested in the free code that comes in the comic book that can be used in the game. He got the Spider-Man Zero Outfit from Fortnite X Marvel Zero War #1. I got a comic book to read and review. Like others I am giving this one five issues to see if I like it or not.

Fortnite X Marvel Zero War #1 references multiple things that happened in the Fortnite video game in the past. I wonder if the video game will allude to anything that happens in the comic books? That kind of a crossover would be kind of cool if you know what I mean. I personally have not played Fortnite in some years so Noah or Peter will have to let me know that it happened. There will be spoilers in this review. Spider-Man is trying to recruit Wolverine in Fortnite X Marvel Zero War #1. They need help tracking down a piece of the Zero Point.

Galactus tried and failed to devour the Zero Point. The interesting thing is he dislodged a small piece and when he went back to the Marvel universe. Fortnite X Marvel Zero War #1 references all kinds of different universes. They are somehow drawn into the Fortnite universe. Fortnite X Marvel Zero War #1 references the multiverse in Fortnite X Marvel Zero War #1. They are trying to save all the universes. I guess this is how they bring in so many different franchises in Fortnite. They have made Fortnite an intersection of all these different universes.

The art is nice in Fortnite X Marvel Zero War #1. We do have some violent content. There is plenty of words to read within Fortnite X Marvel Zero War #1. There are some language issues here and there within Fortnite X Marvel Zero War #1. This comic starts in a bar where Wolverine is drinking what looks like alcohol. Other drinks are referenced within Fortnite X Marvel Zero War #1. How Wolverine decides to help out makes little sense to me. He is promised a good fight. I thought he was also into red heads so that may have had something to do with his decision.

There are thirty pages of content within Fortnite X Marvel Zero War #1 and ads are placed throughout the comic book. Fortnite X Marvel Zero War #1 came in a bag (since a code is included), and it costs $5.99 brand new at the comic book store. Fortnite X Marvel Zero War #1 gave a lot of background to what is going on. There is some action here and there within Fortnite X Marvel Zero War #1. I expect future issues will have even more action within them. I have a few so I can read them and find out.
- Paul


Graphics: 66%
Writing: 74%
Replay/Extras: 85%
Story: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Marvel
Author: Cage, Mustard, Davila, Parsons, Delgado
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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