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Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #2





Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #2 


I am very thankful I had the money to purchase the Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #2 comic book. Noah is exceptionally happy because there is a code within Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #2 that gave him a free cosmetic in the Fortnite video game. Please be aware there will be spoilers throughout this review. Like the previous issue Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #2 comes within a bag. They do not want anyone opening it and checking out the code without first making a purchase. I am more interested in where the story is going.

Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #2 has some fun humor in it as Iron Man and Foundation both try to assert their leadership. They come up with a decent solution that helps them team up and work together. They are on a mission to find this giant mech. They wind up finding the mech and Paradigm. Thankfully Paradigm is found alive. That is half of the story that is going on in Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #2. The other half involves Spider-Man and his team finding that missing piece that Galactus stripped off.

The issues families can have with Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #2 are blood, violence, religious belief of evolution, false gods, and more. Wolverine takes a nasty shot that takes a chunk out of the side of his body. He can heal it of course. Wolverine does let the others know that it still hurts. Plus while he is healing in Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #2 he has to deal with things like bugs investigating the giant hole in his side. Certainly not the most pleasant of things to deal with if you know what I mean.

Wakanda is where the piece once was. It actually got stolen by some lizard people. The heroes are chasing after them thanks to Wolverine's wonderful sense of smell. There are twenty pages of content and numerous ads within Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #2. There is also the front cover of the next issue. I am finding this comic book very interesting. The references to content within the video game is a very nice touch. Fortnite fans should get into this comic book.

The mech is on this planet with all kinds of nasty snow falling. Storm and Thor are working on making it less bad. I guess they are not powerful enough to completely stop these storms. I am curious how they will fix the mech in this horrible weather. I am also curious to see Spider-Man and company finally find the piece. I wonder how many more issues I will have to read before that happens? Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #2 is rated for thirteen year olds and and older only. I think that is a good guideline to use.
- Paul


Graphics: 65%
Writing: 74%
Replay/Extras: 75%
Story: 72%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Marvel
Author: Gage, Mustard, Davila, Parsons, Delgado
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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