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Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #3





Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #3 


I am very thankful I had the money to purchase a copy of the Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #3 comic book. Noah is happy to get the Adamantium Claws Pickaxe in Fortnite thanks to the code included within Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #3. Please be aware there will be spoilers in this review. The storyline continues to improve within Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #3. More and more characters are being brought into the story and making things interesting. There are also some deep backgrounds being given to certain characters within Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #3.

The Imagined certainly seems more human after the events of Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #3. She kisses Logan and the two spend some time together. Readers are left to their imaginations in terms of how far they went in their courtship in Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #3. I feel bad for Spider-Man in Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #3. He generally gets the shaft and is disrespected quite often. He does run into Dr. Doom who winds up stealing Zero Shard. While the heroes fought the High Evolutionary Spider-Man tried to get the Zero Shard. Dr. Doom had the same idea and beat him to the punch.

There are twenty pages of content within Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #3. Ads are found throughout this comic book. The issues families will have with Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #3 are violence, blood, lack of attire, bad language, belief of evolution taught and more. There are twenty pages of content within Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #3. The first page with the credits also contains a recap of what has happened thus far in this story. I love recap pages because I read so many comics and rotate around what I am reading it. It helps me get back into the groove of what is going on.

Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #3 has nice pages and great art. There is plenty of action within Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #3. I was not expecting the High Evolutionary in Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #3. He makes sense and should fade to black after the events of Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #3. He decides to not team with the heroes because he realizes all realities could be at stake. The front cover to Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #4 shows that Dr. Doom will be playing a major role going forward.

There is a tense moment at the beginning of Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #3 where Foundation and Paradigm hash out their past. I was not aware of any of this so it was very interesting. They were extremely rude and dismissive to Iron Man. Come on people give that super hero some credit for the work that got them there in the first place. The coolest thing in Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #3 is the Lizard Man Ninjas. That is quite the interesting idea I had not seen before. Fortnite x Marvel Zero War #3 references other material it was in though.
- Paul


Graphics: 62%
Writing: 75%
Replay/Extras: 72%
Story: 76%
Family Friendly Factor: 62%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Marvel
Author: Gage, Mustard, Davila, Parsons, Delgado
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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