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Haunted House 


I am thankful I had the money to purchase the Atari Collection 2 cartridge for the Evercade video game system. Haunted House is one of the games on that collection. Haunted House is a very old Atari 2600 video game and it shows. Haunted House was released back in 1978. I am five to six years old when this video game was released. The blocky graphics in Haunted House are very distinctive of that era.

A lot of video game historians freak out over the damage ET on the Atari 2600 did to the video game industry. To me Haunted House is obviously worse than ET on so many levels. I never figured out the point when I played Haunted House. I could go from north to south and go to the bottom of the screen. The blocky graphics would change colors and I was now on a different floor.

After going north to south in Haunted House I could then go from south to north. I felt like I was going back and forth in Haunted House over and over again. There are ghosts, spiders and more that will try and touch the player. If they touch you then it is time to start over again. There are flashes in Haunted House that try to emulate lightning. The graphics and audio in Haunted House are not very good.

The player is a set of eyes within Haunted House. We are in the dark. We can light up around ourselves for a bit in Haunted House. I tried to do this lighting up near the enemies. This never worked very well for me. Over and over again while I live streamed Haunted House I was trying to understand what the game wanted me to do. Am I looking for something? Do I need to leave the house. ET has more screens that contain more content than Haunted House.

I do not mind trying to figure things out in retro video games. Haunted House never made much sense to me though. I never figured out anything to do in this game that was meaningful. Haunted House needs to explain what the players goal is. Haunted House needs to guide the player in what to do. Are we in a creepy looking and sounding house trying to stay alive? I was more baffled than anything else while playing Haunted House.
- Paul


Graphics: 50%
Sound: 60%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 50%

System: Atari 2600/Evercade
Publisher: Atari
Developer: Atari
Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated

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