I am Groot #3
I am continuing my exploration and reviews of the I am Groot comic
book series from 2017. I am Groot #3 continues the story in a meaningful
way. Groot is on a train with the characters from the farm he met.
Diplatessa is explored a little bit in I am Groot #3. She is a young
woman, with a baby head, and an old lady head and part body all
connected. The portal has a time element to it that kept her connected
but also partially separated at three different ages.
These various alien characters worship the Caretaker. The Administrator
is trying to stop Groot and the train from making it to the city he is
in. Why does he want to stop Groot? There is a prophecy that a child of
destruction will open the door of doors and destroy their world. The
Administrator is afraid of what is behind that door of doors. Groot
thinks the door is his way home. So do the other aliens that are helping
The Administrator sends all of these robots after Groot in I am Groot
#3. They combine into one massive baby head that tries to eat the train.
The group go to the storm and use Dhamsus to keep the train safe. For
some reason Dhamsus is able to dissipate the energy from the storm.
SPOILER ALERT! Groot decouples the train to let the giant baby robot
head eat so they can get away.
I am Groot #3 has a very shocking turn of events within it. SPOILER
ALERT! Buddy pushes Groot off the train near the end of I am Groot #3. I
did not see that coming. It makes for a good ending of this issue
though. I found myself wondering why it happened. I am Groot #3 has
decent art and some nice writing. There are a few words in I am Groot #3
you may not want your children to use.
I only see five episodes of I am Groot on Marvel Unlimited. I am
wondering if that is as long as this series lasted. The good news is I
will be able to finish this series thanks to our three free months of
Marvel Unlimited. I hope Groot can make it back to the Guardians of the
Galaxy. It does not happen in I am Groot #3. We make two steps forward
and one step back in I am Groot #3.
- Paul
Graphics: 75%
Writing: 80%
Replay/Extras: 76%
Story: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 75%
System: Marvel Unlimited
Publisher: Marvel
Author: Hastings, Flaviano, D'Alfonso
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER
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