My Little Pony #2
I am very thankful I had the money to
purchase the My Little Pony #2 comic book. I actually had to look at
multiple comic book stores for this one. My Little Pony has become way
more popular than I thought it would. I am thankful I was able to find
this comic book and write a review on it. Please be aware there will be
spoilers in this review. The ponies are chasing after the crystal thief
and found a door. My Little Pony #2 has all of the ponies entering that
door and finding Canterlot. Thing is Canterlot is now a ghost town.
The art work is fantastic within My Little Pony #2. There is some mild
violence after we meet Discord. I find it odd that Discord is the lord
of chaos but tries to be nice to the ponies. He wants magic gone so
there will not be a split between magical and non-magical ponies. In
essence bring everyone down to the lowest level instead of lifting
others up to be better. That reminds me of some people we have in our
world. Does that remind you of anyone in our world?
There is plenty of humor and puns in My Little Pony #2. I was shocked to
hear Discord was one of the good guys a long time ago. That was with a
completely different group of ponies. Canterlot falling into disrepair
is another shocking thing that was actually first shown in the end of
the first issue of My Little Pony. There are twenty pages within My
Little Pony #2, next months cover, alternate covers, and then some
advertisements. The advertisements within My Little Pony #2 are actually
interesting. They should be advertising with Family Friendly Gaming to
reach more people.
My Little Pony #2 has a wonderful service message in it about not eating
food that has been left out for too long. You will get sick doing that
and My Little Pony #2 lets the readers know about this reality. Who says
comic books are not teaching good lessons? I support it when the
messages are good, and uplifting. My Little Pony #2 is generally safe
for kids.
Discord uses chaos magic to tie up the ponies in different fashions when
they try and get the crystal back from him. He leaves them at the end of
My Little Pony #2 and hopes they can have another tea party. I am not
sure where the ponies will go from here. How can they get the crystal
back from someone who has magic and refuses to return it? Can they
convince Discord they will not fall apart like Canterlot? I guess I will
need to keep reading to find out the answers to those questions.
- Paul
Graphics: 87%
Writing: 90%
Replay/Extras: 88%
Story: 95%
Family Friendly Factor: 85%
System: Comic Book
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Author: Bronfman, Mebberson, Breckel
Rating: ‘NR’ for Not Rated
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