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My Little Pony #4





My Little Pony #4 


My Little Pony #4 does a good job of tying the story back into the fold after the one shot in the last issue. Please be aware there will be spoilers in this review. My Little Pony #4 is all about Pip. She is a social media star that is normally bubbly and happy. She wants to talk about Discord. She wants to show here followers that it is okay to be down and sad at times. She is not always bubbly and happy. At times she is scared, concerned and worried. She wants her viewers to realize they can be real with their feelings as well.

The artwork is fantastic in My Little Pony #4. There are some neat things done with the frames while the story is being told. Pip consults her friends on whether she should do this kind of a post or not. She gets feedback that touches on quite a few different angles of the issue. She is being brave. This is against her brand. She is being real. Her audience will not like it. There are plenty of reasons to do something or not to do something. In the end Pip decides to go with it and makes the post.

My Little Pony #4 continues that being real theme when Pip is about to delete the post because it did not get enough views and likes. Then she gets an email from one of her fans that appreciated the post. This fan lied about who she was to her friends. They got mad at her when they found out the truth. She faced up to her mistake and is thankful that Pip showed another side to herself. At that point Pip decides to keep the post out there. She even gives a shout out in her next video to this fan.

I am pleased with how many great lessons are within My Little Pony #4. Some of the lessons within My Little Pony #4 are be yourself, be honest, be real, be genuine, own up to your mistakes, share your feelings, and more. Kids and adults can learn wonderful lessons from My Little Pony #4. IDW Publishing has been doing a fantastic job with My Little Pony. I must admit that this is one of my favorite comic books since coming back to the industry. I would have never thought that possible decades ago.

My Little Pony #4 provides twenty pages of content, next month's cover, alternate cover art for this issue, and then some advertisements. There is no obvious recap section in My Little Pony #4. There is some commentary touching on what happened in the past. The twist ending will make the next issue even more interesting. My Little Pony #4 ends with Discord sending a message to Pip. Where will this go? Will they finally find Discord again? I guess I will need to read the next issue to find out.
- Paul


Graphics: 91%
Writing: 90%
Replay/Extras: 89%
Story: 95%
Family Friendly Factor: 93%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Author: Kenney, Forstner, Breckel
Rating: ‘NR’ for Not Rated

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