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Open Country 


Were you able to check out the live stream I did of Open Country? If you missed it then please check out the video section of the Family Friendly Gaming website. We will also get the video on our video sites and channels as time allows. Open Country is a hunting video game. You guys know how much I enjoy playing hunting video games. There are things I like about Open Country and things I dislike. I will get into that in this very review.

First off Open Country looks really nice. I love how this game looks and how it highlights animals and other objects we can interact with. There is violence in Open Country against animals. The animals will also bleed in Open Country. This is obviously done for some realism. It is worth mentioning if you are squeamish about things like blood and violence in a video game. Open Country does contain it as long as you hit the animals.

I love the music and audio in Open Country. This enhances this hunting video game and helped me learn a lot more about tracking animals. If you want some protein out in the wild and do not have any peanut butter then learning how to hunt and track is very important. Open Country imparts the beauty that is in God’s Creation. Hunting is part sound and part visual. Open Country imparts that upon the player really well.

At times the controls did not want to work very well. I had issues with the spear early on in my live stream. The thing is I did not have any issues when I was practicing all of those hours before the live stream. I am not sure what that glitch was about. You can literally walk around and catch nothing in Open Country. Which is probably how some of us would actually hunt in the real world. I would probably have this much trouble hunting if I tried it in the real world. Hopefully I would learn to get better.

I still like the Hunting Simulator series better than Open Country. I see there is hope and promise for this series in the future. If the glitches can be fixed and players can progress without having to hunt all of the little animals first then Open Country could compete. It is neat to see more hunting video games on the market. Families can learn a lot of interesting lessons from Open Country. I am very thankful we had the money to purchase Open Country on the PS4. Open Country is also available on the PC and Xbox One. I played Open Country on our PS5 so it will work on the latest systems.
- Teen Gamer


Graphics: 85%
Sound: 85%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 75%

System: PC/Xbox One/PS4(tested)
Publisher: 505 Games
Developer: Fun Labs
Rating: ‘T’ - THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Blood, Violence}

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