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Puzzle Galaxy 


Family Friendly Gaming was given a digital download code for Puzzle Galaxy on the Nintendo Switch. As part of my research for this review I noticed Puzzle Galaxy is a free app on the Nintendo Switch. I am not sure why we needed a code since the game has zero cost to it. At least the version we were given. Puzzle Galaxy does have paid DLC in it. So Puzzle Galaxy is sort of like a try before you buy.

There are twenty-five puzzles that come with the free app version of Puzzle Galaxy on the Nintendo Switch. The puzzles can be played in 6, 15, 28, 49, and 56 piece modes. The more pieces you pick the smaller they will be on the screen. There are a wide array of different genre of pictures within Puzzle Galaxy. We go from space to horses, to ocean animals, to steampunk and more within Puzzle Galaxy.

The music is pleasant within Puzzle Galaxy. The graphics in the pictures looks decent. Puzzle Galaxy requires some general precision to place the pieces. Puzzle Galaxy does not allow families to get sort of close. Puzzle Galaxy will let you know that it will not let that piece be put down in that exact location. I had to make some adjustments here and there to get the pieces to be accepted. I could see some kids have issues with that.

The last time I remember enjoying a jigsaw puzzle video game was with the JIG A PIX games on the Nintendo DS. I wish there was a physical copy version of Puzzle Galaxy. I would happily pay twenty dollars for one hundred and forty puzzles that came on a cartridge. I hope Puzzle Galaxy grows into that in the near future. It would be cool to see some box art, and even a manual. I guess the Evercade has been spoiling us.

Multiple family members can play Puzzle Galaxy on the Nintendo Switch. I am not clear how the multiplayer works exactly. I know it is part of this game though. There is something so family about jigsaw puzzles. It is neat to see another jigsaw puzzle video game on one of the consoles. I am still a bit confused why I needed a digital download code for a free game.
- Paul


Graphics: 75%
Sound: 80%
Replay: 70%
Gameplay: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 75%

System: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: naptime.games
Developer: naptime.games
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY

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