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I just finished off The Daniel Craig Collection by watching Spectre. That means the only Daniel Craig 007 James Bond film I am missing is No Time to Die. It is a bit odd that they did a collection before he was done doing Bond movies. I knew that coming into this film collection so I have no one to blame but myself. I could have waited a year and tried to get the full five film collection.

Spectre is an interesting film that I do not recall ever seeing before. Spectre is all about how obsolete the double O program actually is. The government can spy on people using their own cameras and cell phones in Spectre. Drone strikes can be used to take out targets. A private business man with a secret past funds this spying campaign so he can participate in watching. Spectre reflects some of the things that have happened in society in recent years.

The issues families will have with Spectre are violence, blood, bad language, enticement to lust, lack of attire, sex outside of marriage, deceit, theft, lies, nudity in the intro scene and more. There is plenty of action and some humor within Spectre as well. Daniel Craig gives us some nice one liners here and there in Spectre. James Bond plays things really close to the vest in Spectre. He is not sure whom he can trust.

SPOILER ALERT! We learn about James Bond past within Spectre. After his parents died he was taken in by another family. One of the boys of that families is the main bad guy in Spectre. He thought James Bond was a cuckoo bird. A cuckoo bird lays its egg in the nest of another bird. The baby cuckoo bird hatches first and pushes out the eggs of the existing family. I never understood why he thought James Bond was like that as a child.

There are not as many gadgets in Spectre as previous Bond movies. There are plenty of aspects of Spectre that bring the other movies full circle. The ending of Spectre is very interesting indeed. There are threads that are left open for the future. The death of a high up ranking official is something I am very curious about. Especially after the double O program was shut down in Spectre.
- Paul


Graphics: 50%
Sound: 63%
Replay/Extras: 66%
Gameplay: 72%
Family Friendly Factor: 55%

System: DVD
Publisher: MGM
Developer: United Artists
Rating: ‘PG-13’ for Parents Strongly Cautioned
{for intense sequences of action and violence, some disturbing images, sensuality and language}

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