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The J Team 


I am grateful Family Friendly Gaming was given a retail version of The J Team on DVD. I heard of JoJo but that is all. I have never been to her channel, or watched her show. I may have had someone show me a video of hers where she got some huge house and was bragging about how wealthy she was for making videos or something like that. It was not all that memorable to me. I see she is a smiling, bubbly, blonde who is very positive. It reminds me of Job before his circumstances were reversed for a time. Would she be so positive if the world was not being handed to her on a platter at such a young age?

There will be spoilers in this review. The The J Team movie is pretty basic. We have a sparkling young lady in dance class. The instructor/owner of the studio changes. Structure, rules, and organization is added to the class. JoJo is not capable of conforming to the standards and demands she be allowed to be her own sparkly self. She is kicked off the team and then goes and makes her own team of others who were told to be something other than what their snowflake minds wanted to be. They compete against her old team and you can probably guess where that goes. Of course her team of misfits and untrained dancers win in the end.

I always find the 'I have to be me' argument hilarious. The people making it seem to have no clue what kind of a Pandora's Box they are trying to open. Lets apply that to school shooters and rapists. They have to be who they are right? You are supportive of them being who they are. What about people that pollute the environment for personal gain? They are just being who they are. Why not let them be who they are? The liberal logic fails horribly when we apply it to areas they discriminate against and attack. I bet you can find some groups that liberals attack who are just being who they are.

Expect plenty of dancing and music within The J Team. Normally with a movie that revolves around the musical genre I find some song I enjoy. The J Team had no songs that spoke to me. Normally I will find some bubble gum generic pop song of interest. Not this time, and not with this movie. The J Team tries to be funny but just falls flat for me over and over again. I do like the lesson of forgiveness that is given within The J Team.

There are too many cringe moments within The J Team. There is some mild lack of attire. Plenty of creepy moments within The J Team. Glitter and bows are a big deal in The J Team. Personally I could care less one way or the other. Lots of bright colors within The J Team. The main theme and lesson within The J Team is to be an individual instead of being a team. Yet the individuals come together to make a team. The little dog in The J Team is cute and well behaved.

There are images and commentary in The J Team that could be construed as supporting sexual deviancy. Upon further research it seems that is definitely the case. JoJo has some down moments but does not relay them very well in The J Team. Even when she is supposed to be acting down she is quick to smile. It makes those parts completely unbelievable. Plus it is obvious where this story is going and what it is teaching the audience. Fans of JoJo will probably enjoy The J Team. The rest of us not so much. There are a fair amount of behind the scenes bonuses on this disc.
- Paul


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 70%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Story: 65%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: DVD
Publisher: Paramount Pictures
Developer: Nickelodeon
Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated

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