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Transformers #34





Transformers #34 


I am very thankful I had enough money to purchase a copy of the Transformers #34 comic book. I know there were some comic books of Transformers when I was younger. I guess IDW Publishing rebooted the series at some point. There are familiar and unfamilar characters to me in Transformers #34. I find it interesting to see some of the characters I had never heard of before. The Autobots and Decepticons are both in Transformers #34. There are also Insecticons in Transformers #34. Plenty of well known characters are found within Transformers #34. There will be spoilers in this review.

I like how Transformers #34 starts with the story thus far, then twenty pages of content, next month, alternate covers, and then some advertisements. I found an interesting ad near the end of Transformers #34. So that was pretty cool. I found Transformers #34 at a local comic book store and was not even aware of it. I got the oldest ones they had to try and see if this franchise will be of interest. I like how they repair bots that were injured in the past in Transformers #34. I am not sure what happened to them.

The story within Transformers #34 revolves around Termagax. She is a new Transformer to me. She has a house and brings in two Autobots that are studying this sea and the worms within it. It looks like a Decepticon may die in Transformers #34 after falling in and getting attacked by these worms. Transformers #34 does contain some violence, and language issues. The art work is fantastic and the pages feel very thick. I like the art style within Transformers #34 as well. The horde of Insecticons attack the house that Termagax is in.

The house they are in can walk and has defenses. Unfortunately the weapons run out of ammunition and the Insecticons start eating the house. The last page of Transformers #34 has Sky Lynx and some other Autobots come in to the rescue. Hopefully they will be enough to drive the Insecticons away. Transformers #34 also drops that Bumblebee is in trouble. I hope he can be saved in the near future. Optimus Prime references him and mistakes he made in the past. Transformers #34 talks about new Autobots. There is a lot that has happened that I am not aware of obviously.

Transformers #34 cost $3.99. I will probably re-read some parts to make sure I am up to speed on a plethora of things. There are plenty of characters I am still starting to learn. Cybertron has gone through some interesting changes as well. All in all I enjoyed Transformers #34. There are some issues parents will need to be aware of, which were already referenced in this review. The violence could have been worse. I plan on reading some more issues and see where this series goes.
- Paul


Graphics: 65%
Writing: 65%
Replay/Extras: 78%
Story: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Author: Ruckley, Malkova, Cruz, Gauntt
Rating: ‘NR’ for Not Rated

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