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Yars Return





Yars Return 


I will openly admit that Yars Return completely perplexed me when I played it. We have static going on around the screen. We have something that looks like a space ship that is in the middle. There are blocks protecting the space ship. We must remove the blocks and get a shot at the space ship from the far side of the static. There are so many little nuances to Yars Return that I did not immediately comprehend. Which led to confusion and frustration.

The screen flickering was another major problem I had when I played Yars Return on the Evercade. I am thankful I had the money for the Atari Collection 1 since Yars Return is one of the games on it. I am also thankful for all of the equipment to be able to live stream Yars Return and then convert it into a video for Family Friendly Gaming Universe to enjoy. Yars Return was originally a home brew title that was released in 2005 on an Atari compilation.

Graphically Yars Return has a ton of noise going on. I am surprised the Atari 2600 could handle this much static. Looking at Yars Return for too long can lead to headaches. I like the fact that there are a variety of colors used in the static of Yars Return. Players must watch out for the vortex shot that comes at them from the space ship in the middle. There are also slower lines that will come at the player to blow them up.

There is some definite strategy to how Yars Return is played. The space ship AI will work on protecting itself so the player cannot get an easy shot. Drilling through those walls will take multiple attempts while trying to avoid the objects sent to blow up the player. The more I played Yars Return the more it grew on me. I love seeing homebrew games from retro systems on the Evercade. Yars Return shows creators that their games may appear in a physical copy compilation at some future date.

Ultimately Yars Return is not my kind of a video game. I kow there are others into this kind and style. If you are into Yars Return then more power to you. I got frustrated contantly trying to avoid the shots and find those shots in the static. I can definitely see where some gamers would enjoy playing Yars Return on the Atari 2600, and Evercade.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 60%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Atari 2600/Evercade
Publisher: Atari
Developer: Atari
Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated

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