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AEW Fight Forever





AEW Fight Forever 


There is some good, bad, and ugly within AEW Fight Forever. Noah and I had fun live streaming our matches on a Friday night. If you missed it then be sure to check out our Videos section of the website to catch up. We are also releasing VODs of those live streams to our different video sites as time and money allow. This is a wrestling video game based on AEW. There are some big name wrestlers in this video game as well.

Families need to be aware this is a strong thirteen and older only video game. The issues with AEW Fight Forever are violence, blood, lack of attire, enticement to lust, bad language, sexual content, alcohol, tobacco and more. The content can get a bit bloody if you are in the Exploding Barbed Wire Match. If someone gets sent into the barbed wire (there instead of ropes), there is an explosion. The same with the tables in the corners.

The biggest issues I had with AEW Fight Forever were targeting. We played that Casino Battle Royale and four characters are in the ring at the same time. The targeting system was not always that great. I do not know why targeting is even needed in that situation. I would want to turn and attack someone and I was stuck facing someone else. We also had issues picking up weapons, climbing ladders and more. Men and women are in AEW Fight Forever together. So men and women fight one another. I am not that big on the women in AEW Fight Forever. This game makes them look as good as the men but in real life the ladies are not quite there. I watched enough wrestling to know this truth.

Graphically the characters generally look like their real counter parts. There are aspects where the graphics could be improved in my opinion. There is a ton of music in AEW Fight Forever. Even with turning off the music some would play in intros. Thankfully we only had one copyright issue in our live stream. There are some catchy theme songs in AEW Fight Forever.

Punches or kicks come in threes in AEW Fight Forever. Turning the tables is an easy press of the button that actually worked quite frequently for us. The Exploding Barbed Wire Match is one of the most interesting I have played in a wrestling game in awhile. There is training and mini games in AEW Fight Forever. The mini games are limited. Nice roster of characters in AEW Fight Forever.
- Paul


Graphics: 55%
Sounds: 60%
Replay/Extras: 75%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 50%

System: Nintendo Switch/PC/PS4/PS5/Xbox One/Xbox Series X
Publisher: THQ Nordic
Developer: Yukes
Rating: ‘T’ - THIRTEEN and older only {Violence, Blood, Mild Suggestive Themes, Language, Use of Alcohol and Tobacco}

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