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Bass Hunter 64





Bass Hunter 64 


Bass Hunter 64 is one of those retro video games that annoyed me to no end. I also expected Bass Hunter 64 to be awesome. So it is one of those video games where the hype did not match the experience. This happens sometimes. Bass Hunter 64 is bland and dark looking. It is like going out and fishing on an overcast day that you just want to go back home and go to bed. Since it is a video game it becomes turn the game off and take a nap.

The controls within Bass Hunter 64 are so touchy and finicky. It is so easy to lose the fish. In fact in the video I did of Bass Hunter 64 all I did was lose the fish. I looked over the controls and tried different buttons but nothing worked for me. If I want to fail at fishing I can do that in the real world. I want to be able to catch fish in a video game.

There are numerous lures players can use within Bass Hunter 64. We can go out there and fish or compete in tournaments. I do not like trying tournaments until I am good at catching the fish in the main mode. The main menu music of Bass Hunter 64 is really cool to listen to. Once we get into the game Bass Hunter 64 gets pretty quiet. Bass Hunter 64 does contain some special effect sounds here and there. Otherwise Bass Hunter 64 is pretty disappointing in this area as well.

There are different lakes and rivers that players can go to in Bass Hunter 64. There is a bit of diversity in the blocky looking areas within Bass Hunter 64. A lot of the water is murky and there are plenty of barren underwater areas within Bass Hunter 64. The fish look nice. The fisherman looks okay within Bass Hunter 64 as well.

I had really high hopes for Bass Hunter 64. Sadly all of my game play experiences within Bass Hunter 64 did not match my high hopes. Bass Hunter 64 is generally very family friendly. If you have the time to devote to learning all aspects of Bass Hunter 64 then you might enjoy it a bit more than I did. I love tools like the Fishfinder in Bass Hunter 64. I know there have been plenty of fishing games since Bass Hunter 64. Many of them have been better in my humble opinion.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 60%
Replay: 70%
Gameplay: 50%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Nintendo 64
Publisher: Take-Two Interactive
Developer: Gearhead Entertainment
Rating: ‘E’ – Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY

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