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Batman Fortress #2





Batman Fortress #2 


The story in takes a bit of a turn in Batman Fortress #2. There are some shocking things that happen plus there are some things in Batman Fortress #2 that I was not expecting. I am very thankful I had the money to purchase a copy of the Batman Fortress #2 comic book. This is an interesting and different Batman story. The paper has a weird texture to it in Batman Fortress #2. There will be some spoilers in this review.

The Justice League and plenty of different airplanes from different countries go out to attack this alien invader that made them lose power. People are dying while this aliens are sitting there with who knows what purpose. The attack does not go well for the people of Earth. Why is Superman still missing? What is going on there? Numerous members of the Justice League are captured by the alien invaders. The technology of the aliens is way beyond what Earth has.

It looks like Cyborg dies in Batman Fortress #2. Batman saves the head for some reason. I am hoping he plans on reviving Cyborg somehow. Cyborg believes the alien technology is Kryptonian. Near the end of Batman Fortress #2 we see these aliens that are hunting Superman. They believe Superman destroyed their world. One of the aliens has a burn mark on their face from what they claim Superman did to them. I am not sure how much stock I put in those claims.

There is a DC Nation Spotlight on Batman #125 in Batman Fortress #2. I have not been reading the mainline Batman comics. Honestly I do not plan to either. The DC Nation Spotlight did not get me interested. Ads can be found throughout this comic book that has twenty-two pages of mainline content. Batman Fortress #2 also has a two page spread about how DC grants black people preferential treatment. Is that even legal?

The main issue families will have with Batman Fortress #2 is violence. The aliens send a message out to deter humans from any further attacks on their egg like ship. Batman starts to wonder if he got the motive of the aliens all wrong. Maybe they are not invading. Maybe they are after something else. The great detective is trying to piece that out with very little technology at his disposal. I am curious to see where this comic book series goes from here.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Writing: 77%
Replay/Extras: 75%
Story: 78%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: DC Comics
Author: Whitta, Robertson, Rodriguez
Rating: ‘13+’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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