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Batman Knightwatch #4





Batman Knightwatch #4 


I am very thankful I had the money to purchase a copy of the Batman Knightwatch #4 comic book. There are two stories and one sneak peek within Batman Knightwatch #4. The two stories are Fight Night and The Fear Factory. The sneak peek is of Buddykiller Croc. There is good art, and some odd feeling paper within Batman Knightwatch #4. Please be aware there will be spoilers in this review of Batman Knightwatch #4.

There is some violence, lack of attire, and enticement to lust within Batman Knightwatch #4. The first story in Batman Knightwatch #4 is about Killer Moth. He wants to show Gotham that he is not some joke. So he goes down to the fight club and gets into a fight with Killer Croc. He is not allowed to use his weapons either. You can probably figure out that the deck is stacked against Killer Moth in Batman Knightwatch #4.

The second story within Batman Knightwatch #4 is about the Bat-family taking out Scarecrow. That problem for the heroes is Scarecrow has some new fear toxin that only needs to touch your skin. Batman must fight the toxins after Robin, Nightwing, Batgirl and Huntress were all caught. Batman does fight through his fears to stop the Scarecrow in Batman Knightwatch #4. It is an inspiring moment about fighting your fears.

Back in the first story Killer Moth learns to only pick fights with people his own size. Batgirl also tricks Killer Moth early on in Batman Knightwatch #4. Black Canary also shows up in Batman Knightwatch #4. I am a bit confused as to why Batgirl attacked Killer Moth. As far as I can tell he did not comit any crimes in Batman Knightwatch #4. Certainly not at the beginning of Batman Knightwatch #4.

The violent content is actually pretty light within Batman Knightwatch #4. The same goes for the fears the heroes face in Batman Knightwatch #4. I can tell that DC Comics is trying to reach the younger members of the family with Batman Knightwatch. There are eleven pages in the first story, and ten in the second. There are also seven pages in the sneak peek within Batman Knightwatch #4. I enjoyed reading Batman Knightwatch #4.
- Paul


Graphics: 77%
Writing: 75%
Replay/Extras: 83%
Story: 76%
Family Friendly Factor: 76%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: DC Comics
Author: Torres, Di Chiara, Strachan
Rating: ‘8+’ for EIGHT and OLDER ONLY

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