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Canon Legend of the new gods





Canon Legend of the new gods 


Canon Legend of the new gods is another 16-bit video game that was exclusive to Taiwan back in the day. Canon Legend of the new gods is an unlicensed Genesis and Mega Drive video game. I came across Canon Legend of the new gods on the Piko Interactive Collection 1 cartridge for the Evercade system. Canon Legend of the new gods is a turn based strategy role playing video game.

The issues families will have with Canon Legend of the new gods are false gods, violence, blood, lack of attire, enticement to lust, magic, and more. The power certain characters have in Canon Legend of the new gods is powerful. Canon Legend of the new gods is based off of Chinese literature. The story did not honestly connect with me, nor did any of the characters.

Canon Legend of the new gods can be on the challenging side. Grinding is always a smart thing to do in these older role playing video games. Modern gamers have been spoiled by a lot of games that do not require grinding. I remember grinding in Shining Force and did not mind at all. So how does Canon Legend of the new gods measure up to Shining Force? Canon Legend of the new gods is not even in the same league as Shining Force. I had issues getting into the game, remember these characters names and more. There was a real opportunity in the regionalization and localization that was totally missed. It can take around thirty hours to complete Canon Legend of the new gods.

I love turn based SRPGs. I wanted Canon Legend of the new gods to be so much better than it was. There are some annoying screams when characters die in Canon Legend of the new gods. The art and the character models could have been better. There are no battle cut scenes in Canon Legend of the new gods like Shining Force. We can go around an enemy and attack them from behind only to miss. Most SRPGs would grant you more damage for that tactic.

I found Canon Legend of the new gods very disappointing on so many different levels. This piece of video game history has now been preserved. Was Canon Legend of the new gods something we needed preserved?
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 60%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 50%

System: Evercade/Genesis
Publisher: Piko Interactive
Developer: Chuanpu
Rating: ‘NR - Not Rated

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