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Captain America 2023 #1





Captain America 2023 #1 


There is one reason and one reason alone I decided to purchase a copy of Captain America 2023 #1. That reason is J. Michael Straczynski. I really enjoyed that Babylon 5 series and still hope the second series will get finished at some point. I heard that Mr. Straczynski was coming back to comic books and writing for Captain America 2023 #1. I had to check it out. There will be spoilers in this review.

I will admit that Captain America 2023 #1 is very underwhelming, especially at the $5.99 cover price. There are thirty pages of comic book content with advertisements found all throughout the Captain America 2023 #1 comic book. Captain America 2023 #1 hops all around the place. We are in the present, then the past, then some other country in the past, then that other country in the present. I really had to pay attention to what was going on.

Captain America 2023 #1 does not focus on the hero doing heroic things. We have a little here and there in Captain America 2023 #1. The main focus of Captain America 2023 #1 is Steve Rogers helping people in his building. Since the owners are losing money on the place they are looking to sell. So Steve decides to buy the place with Avenger money he has earned. Then he begins to fix and renovate things himself. He also makes the place rent control.

I hope this comic book will get into the financial issues with running a building and losing money. Steve hires a guy who lost his job and is living in his van with his family. We also learn that Steve was thrown out of his apartment when he was fourteen. His dad died in the first world war and then years later his mother died. He was squatting in an empty building working any job he could find. He also refused to accept help from anyone.

The issues families can have with Captain America 2023 #1 are violence, blood, false gods and more. The information on the next issue looks interesting. Captain America helps out the Fantastic Four in Captain America 2023 #1 for a few pages. He also stops robbers. Captain America 2023 #1 ends with a young Steve Rogers getting a free sandwich from Nazis that are trying to recruit.
- Paul


Graphics: 65%
Writing: 75%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Story: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Marvel
Author: Straczynski, Saiz, Hollingsworth
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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