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Disney Villains Maleficent #1





Disney Villains Maleficent #1 


I saw the ads for Disney Villains Maleficent #1 months ago in other Dynamite comic books. I decided to check it out. Disney Villains Scar is not the greatest series thus far but it is readable and contained some thought provoking content. I hoped Disney Villains Maleficent #1 would be similar. I just finished reading Disney Villains Maleficent #1 and boy was I wrong. In fact I will say that I am not a fan of Disney Villains Maleficent #1. There will be spoilers in this review.

First off the dark art with greenish tints reminds me of a Gameboy. That is not a good thing unless you like ugly monotone looking things. We meet Reynard who is a young man that ran away from home because he wants to explore the world. He turned his back on his family and his duties. Talk about selfish. Reynard meets Maleficent. In fact Maleficent saves him from a wolf. Remember that little detail because it will become important later.

Reynard realizes the staff Maleficent has could be of value to him. Ater all he will come across other dangers in his travels and will need some way to defend himself. Maleficent is not willing to part with her staff. Instead she gives him a magic compass that will guide him to whatever his heart desires. Yeah a little Pirates of the Caribbean going on there. Reynard decides he wants her staff and uses the compass to find her castle.

Reynard steals the staff and tries to get away in Disney Villains Maleficent #1. He does not get far when Maleficent takes back her staff. She then turns Reynard into a wolf. That way he can explore the world and defend himself. Disney Villains Maleficent #1 has some dark humor and horror elements to it. There is also some violent content within Disney Villains Maleficent #1. Reynard is not happy with his situation at the end of Disney Villains Maleficent #1.

There are twenty pages of content, a page about the next issue, ads, and then the cover gallery in Disney Villains Maleficent #1. For me Disney Villains Maleficent #1 is a dark and depressing read. I did not get into it and it did not reach me. I am not sure when Disney Villains Maleficent #1 takes place chronologically in relation to the movies. I will give this series a few more issues before deciding to drop it. Disney Villains Maleficent #1 is an one shot story.
- Paul


Graphics: 55%
Writing: 70%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Story: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Dynamite
Author: Lee, Eckleberry, Chung, Cosby
Rating: ‘T' for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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